Ph.D. / Assistant Professor

Expertise: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Vascular Biology
kasuzuki [at]
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Researchmap English / Japanese
Selected papers:
Suzuki et al. Human cathelicidin peptide LL-37 induces cell death in autophagy-dysfunctional endothelial cells. J Immunol (2022). LINK
Suzuki et al. p75 Neurotrophin receptor is a marker for precursors of stellate cells and portal fibroblasts in mouse fetal liver. Gastroenterology (2008). LINK


Dr. Kaori Suzuki graduated from Graduate School of Agriculture (Dept. Agricultural Chemistry) in Tokyo University of Agriculture with a master’s degree in 1997, and started her career as a research assistant. Through her engagements in several fields of biomedical research (ophthalmology, hepatology and immunology) at The University of Tokyo and Juntendo University, she came to have interests in the role of vascular system and vascular cell functions in development, homeostasis and diseases. Then, she received her PhD at Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine (Dept. Host Defense and Biochemical Research, Prof. Isao Nagaoka) in 2012 by demonstrating the antiapoptotic action of host defense peptide LL-37 on endothelial cells. She is now interested in how vascular cells of each tissue acquire the tissue-specialized function (such as BBB in the brain).