DBSB Website Since 2021
About us

The Department of Biochemistry and Systems Biomedicine (DBSB, Professor: Etsuo A. Susaki) at Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine was established in 2021.
Our mission:
1. promote innovative biomedical research
2. foster world-class human resources
Our team:
We build an interdisciplinary and highly collaborative team to:
1. develop cutting-edge biotechnologies, mainly focusing on bioimaging and image informatics
2. interrogate essential aging mechanisms
3. solve problems regarding aging and aging-related diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases and cancers
As Biochemistry II at Juntendo Medical School, we are simultaneously engaged in educational activities to teach biochemistry and molecular biology knowledge at the undergraduate level.
順天堂大学大学院医学研究科 生化学・生体システム医科学 / 医学部生化学第二講座(教授:洲崎悦生)です。私達の研究室は2021年にオープンしました。バイオイメージングと老化・老化関連疾患を中心テーマに、最先端の医学生物学研究を推進しています。
- DBSB Seminar: Hosted Dr. U. Valentin Nägerl’s visit and seminar2024-10-29
- DBSB Seminar: Hosted Dr. Naoki Watanabe’s visit and seminar2024-09-13
- DBSB Seminar: Hosted Dr. Per Uhlen’s visit and seminar2024-07-16
- YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARD of The Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Helicobacter Infection, to Dr. ATSUSHI T. KANEMITSU2024-06-22
- RESEARCH AWARD of The Japanese Society for Helicobacter Research, to Dr. ATSUSHI T. KANEMITSU2024-06-21

The 1st light-sheet microscopy guidebook in Japan

Nakatani Biomedical Spatialomics Hub (endowed chair)

Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo
Hongo 2-1-1,Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
TEL +81-3-5802-1033
順天堂大学大学院医学系研究科 生化学・生体システム医科学(医学部生化学第二講座)
〒 113-8421 東京都文京区本郷2-1-1
TEL 03-5802-1033
Contact: esusaki [at] juntendo.ac.jp (Etsuo Susaki/洲崎悦生)
About Juntendo
Juntendo University is the oldest private medical school in Japan, established in 1838. Even now, Juntendo provides top-level clinical services and basic biomedical research. The place of our institute, the central Ochanomizu area of Tokyo, provides an ideal environment for research activity, where several medical universities and research institutes are closely located. Please visit the university’s website for details if you are interested.