Cumulative insights into Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy
Dr. Steven Edwards (a pos…
Otomo no responses -
Published in Science Signaling and selected for Cover Page!
Our work was just publish…
Kanemitsu no responses -
永井健治先生(大阪大学 産業科学研究所)が当研究室へご訪問され、セミナーにてご講演いただきました
Dr. Takeharu Nagai (Professor, SANKEN, Osaka Univ.) visited us and gave a wonderful presentation, from his initial motivation in Ph.D. candidate era to his present novel approaches for biology. We enjoyed his talk and had a lot of discussions.
大阪大学 産業科学研究所 教授の永井健治先生が当研究室をご訪問され、DBSBセミナー(2022年11月14日)にてご講演いただきました。