BIOMED SPATIALOMICS HUB is established, supported by Nakatani Foundation, total 300 million yen for 5 years at Juntendo Univ.
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“Blueprints from plane to space: outlook of next‐generation three‐dimensional histopathology” has just been released
Our new review article "B…
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Cumulative insights into Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy
Dr. Steven Edwards (a pos…
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Published in Science Signaling and selected for Cover Page!
Our work was just publish…
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Stephen Quake先生(Professor, Stanford University)が当研究室へご訪問されセミナーにてご講演いただきました

Dr. Stephen Quake (Professor, Stanford Univ.) visited us and gave an excellent presentation entitled as “A Decade of Molecular Cell Atlases”. We learned a lot and enjoyed discussions.
Stanford大学 教授のStephen Quake先生が当研究室をご訪問され、DBSBセミナー(2023年1月16日)にてご講演いただきました。